Results for 'Samba Ibrahim Diop'

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  1.  24
    Establishment of a collaborative research ethics training program to prepare the next generation of ethics researchers in Mali.Seydou Doumbia, Heather E. Rosen, Nino Paichadze, Housseini Dolo, Djeneba Dabitao, Zana Lamissa Sanogo, Karim Traore, Bassirou Diarra, Yeya dit Sadio Sarro, Awa Keita, Seydou Samake, Cheick Oumar Tangara, Hamadoun Sangho, Samba Ibrahim Diop, Mahamadou Diakite, Adnan A. Hyder & Paul Ndebele - 2023 - International Journal of Ethics Education 8 (2):309-319.
    Background: Despite an increase in health research conducted in Africa, there are still inadequate human resources with research ethics training and lack of local long-term training opportunities in research ethics. A research ethics training program named United States-Mali Research Ethics Training Program (US-Mali RETP) was established through a partnership between the George Washington University Milken Institute School of Public Health (GWSPH), USA and University of Sciences, Techniques & Technologies of Bamako (USTTB), to address the critical need for improved bioethics training, (...)
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    Concept postcolonial et idée de nation en Afrique francophone.Samba Diop - 2017 - Cités 72 (4):139.
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  3. Actes de la table ronde du Laboratoire de l'imaginaire organisée par Ibrahima Sow sur Le destin: problématique, sens, représentations-- : samedi, 20 janvier 2007, Amphithéâtre de l'EBAD, Université Cheikh Anta Diop de Dakar (UCAD).Alfâ Ibrâhîm Sow & Dominique Zidouemba (eds.) - 2008 - [Dakar: [S.N.].
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  4. Chapter Four Prismatics of Music and Culture: The Equivocation of Nordic Metal Ibrahim Beyazoglu.Ibrahim Beyazoglu - 2007 - In John Wall (ed.), Music, metamorphosis and capitalism: self, poetics and politics. Newcastle, UK: Cambridge Scholars Press. pp. 50.
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    Philosophie et contestation en Afrique: quand la différence devient un différend.Samba Diakité - 2015 - Saguenay, Québec, Canada: Différance Pérenne.
  6. La ética en el Islam.Mamoudou Si Diop & Margarita E. Magaña Sánchez - 2004 - In Vargas Isla & Lilia Esther (eds.), Territorios de la ética. México: Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana, Unidad Xochimilco.
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    Quasi stable outcomes in the assignment game.Raïssa-Juvette Samba Zitou & Rhonya Adli - 2012 - Theory and Decision 72 (3):323-340.
    There is a great deal of literature on matching, theoretical, and empirical, concerning stable assignments and mechanisms that achieve them. The starting point of this study is an interesting question about assignment procedures: given a situation where some agents (the senior workers) on one side have a priority status, which changes the classical theory. The core of game may not be stable. We prove the existence of a quasi stable constrained core. This constrained core may not be a lattice but (...)
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  8. African Civilizations between the Winds of East and West.Babacar Diop - 1998 - Diogenes 46 (184):19-28.
    Among the intellectuals who have significantly contributed to the discussion of Africa's place in the concert and/or shock of civilizations, Kwane Nkrumah, Cheikh Anta Diop, Samir Amin, Ali Mazrui, Amilcar Cabral could be found in a pertinent sampling. These different personalities indicate the linguistic and geographic diversity of a multidisciplinary and critical production.
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    Modeling Theory in Science Education.Ibrahim A. Halloun - 2006 - Springer.
    This book is the culmination of over twenty years of work toward a pedagogical theory that promotes experiential learning of model-laden theory and inquiry in science.
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    Acquired Duties for Ethical Research With American Indian/Alaska Native Populations: An Application of Pierson and Millum’s Framework.Ibrahim Garba, Leila Barraza & Elizabeth Hall-Lipsy - 2018 - American Journal of Bioethics 18 (11):40-42.
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    Tri-parent Baby Technology and Preservation of Lineage: An Analysis from the Perspective of Maqasid al-Shari’ah Based Islamic Bioethics.Abdul Halim Ibrahim, Noor Naemah Abdul Rahman, Shaikh Mohd Saifuddeen & Madiha Baharuddin - 2019 - Science and Engineering Ethics 25 (1):129-142.
    Tri-parent baby technology is an assisted reproductive treatment which aims to minimize or eliminate maternal inheritance of mutated mitochondrial DNA. The technology became popular following the move by the United Kingdom in granting license to a group of researchers from the Newcastle Fertility Centre, Newcastle University to conduct research on the symptoms of defective mtDNA. This technology differs from other assisted reproductive technology because it involves the use of gamete components retrieved from three different individuals. Indirectly, it affects the preservation (...)
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    The UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples and Genomics: Ethical Complementarity for Just Research.Ibrahim Garba & Stephanie Russo Carroll - 2024 - Hastings Center Report 54 (S2):120-125.
    Governance of biomedical research in the United States has been characterized by ethical individualism, a mode of reasoning that treats the individual person as the center of moral concern and analysis. However, genomics research raises ethics issues that uniquely affect certain genetically related communities as collectives, not merely as aggregates of individuals. This is especially true of identifiable populations—including Indigenous Peoples—that are often minoritized, socially marginalized, or geographically isolated. We propose an alternative, complementary framework based on the United Nations Declaration (...)
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    (1 other version)Approche interculturelle de la dépression post-partum.Ismahan S. Diop - 2012 - Dialogue: Families & Couples 195 (1):127.
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    La enunciación homérica y la práctica de invocación a la Musa.Sidy Diop - 2011 - Circe de Clásicos y Modernos 15 (1):30-42.
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    Robustness Analysis of the Regional and Interregional Components of the Weighted World Air Transportation Network.Issa Moussa Diop, Cherif Diallo, Chantal Cherifi & Hocine Cherifi - 2022 - Complexity 2022:1-17.
    The robustness of a system indicates its ability to withstand disturbances while maintaining its properties, performance, and efficiency. There are plenty of studies on the robustness of air transport networks in the literature. However, few works consider its mesoscopic organization. Building on the recently introduced component structure, we explore the impact of targeted attacks on the weighted world air transportation network on its components. Indeed, it contains five local components covering different regions and one global component linking these regions. We (...)
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    Non-audit services and perceived auditor's independence: empirical evidence from an emerging market.Ibrahim El-Sayed Ebaid - 2011 - International Journal of Business Governance and Ethics 6 (2):162.
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    Pencarian ke dalam diri: merajut ulang budaya luhur bangsa: tinjauan filsafati cerita Mahabharata dan Ramayana.I. Gde Samba - 2011 - Bandung: Yayasan Dajan Rurung Indonesia.
    Moral and ethical aspects in Mahabharata and Ramayana epics.
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  18. Dirāsāt manṭiqīyah ʻinda falāsifat al-Islām.Ibrahim Muhammad Ibrahim Saqr & Atif Iraqi - 1994 - al-Fayyūm: Maktabat Umm al-Qurá al-Jadīdah.
  19. Predicting Tumor Category Using Artificial Neural Networks.Ibrahim M. Nasser & Samy S. Abu-Naser - 2019 - International Journal of Academic Health and Medical Research (IJAHMR) 3 (2):1-7.
    In this paper an Artificial Neural Network (ANN) model, for predicting the category of a tumor was developed and tested. Taking patients’ tests, a number of information gained that influence the classification of the tumor. Such information as age, sex, histologic-type, degree-of-diffe, status of bone, bone-marrow, lung, pleura, peritoneum, liver, brain, skin, neck, supraclavicular, axillar, mediastinum, and abdominal. They were used as input variables for the ANN model. A model based on the Multilayer Perceptron Topology was established and trained using (...)
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    A corpus-driven analysis of representations of Syrian asylum seekers in the Turkish press 2011–2016.İbrahim Efe - 2019 - Discourse and Communication 13 (1):48-67.
    This article, using methods from corpus linguistics and critical discourse analysis, reports the findings of a research project that aimed to explore the representations of Syrian asylum seekers in the Turkish press from March 2011, when the first Syrians arrived in Turkey, to December 2015, when the project ended. Using a corpus of 2321 texts collected from five Turkish daily newspapers, concordances of the words Syrian, refugee and asylum seeker were examined and grouped along patterns through which discourses on and (...)
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    Two New Successive Addition Arguments.Ibrahim Dagher - 2024 - Heythrop Journal 65 (2):152-160.
    One of William Lane Craig's key arguments for the finitude of the past is the Successive Addition Argument (SAA). Malpass (2021) has recently developed a novel challenge to the SAA, utilising a thought experiment from the work of Fred Dretske, which is meant to show that it is possible to count to infinity, to argue that there is a counterexample to the SAA's second premise. In this paper, I contend that the Malpass‐Dretske counterexample should not worry advocates of the SAA. (...)
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  22. Schematic concepts for schematic models of the real world: The Newtonian concept of force.Ibrahim Halloun - 1998 - Science Education 82 (2):239-263.
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    R'fiî el-Kazvînî ve Tenkîh Faaliyetindeki Rolü.İbrahim Sizgen - 2022 - Marifetname 9 (1):157-186.
    Şâfiî müctehidlerin muteber şahsiyetlerinden biri olan Râfiî el-Kazvînî, ilk olarak babası Muhammed b. Abdilkerîm el-Kazvînî (ö. 580/1184) ve annesinin dayısı Ebü’l-Hayr Ahmed et-Tâlkânî’nin (ö. 589/1193) rahle-i tedrisinde bulunduktan sonra alanında uzman birçok kişiden tefsir, hadis ve fıkıh sahasına ilişkin seviyeli bir eğitim almıştır. Yaşadığı asrın ileri gelen ulemasından İslâmî ilimleri okuyarak fıkıh ilminde ihtisas sahibi olan Râfiî, Kazvîn’de ders halkaları oluşturarak tedris faaliyetinde bulunmuş; dönemin halifeleri tarafından Şam ve Mısır baş kadılık görevine atanan Ahmed b. Halîl el-Mühellebî (ö. 638/1240), Zekiyyüddin (...)
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    Applying the Concepts of Benefit and Harm in Malaysian Bioethical Discourse: Analysis of Malaysian Fatwa.Abdul Halim Ibrahim & Muhammad Safwan Harun - 2024 - Journal of Bioethical Inquiry 21 (3):401-414.
    Rapid developments in science and technology have resulted in novel discoveries, leading to new questions particularly related to human values and ethics. Every discovery and technology has positive and negative implications and affects human lives either directly or indirectly, involving all walks of life. Bioethical discourse in Malaysia must consider the multiracial and multireligious background of Malaysia and especially the Islamic view as the majority of Malaysians are Muslims and Islam is the religion of the federation. This article discusses several (...)
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    Desteyek ji deqên felsefeyê.Îbrahîm Bor (ed.) - 2018 - Zeytinburnu, İstanbul: Peywend.
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    Fıkhî Boyutuyla İstih're Namazı.İbrahim Sizgen - 2024 - Marifetname 11 (1):263-285.
    Bu çalışmada, İslâm hukukunun ibadetler bölümü içerisinde konu edinen, fukaha tarafından yer yer müstakil başlık altında incelenen istihâre namazına ilişkin ileri sürülen bazı hükümler nitel araştırma ve istidlâl yöntemleri kullanılarak ele alınmıştır. İstihâre namazı hakkında varit olan birtakım rivâyetlerde Hz. Peygamber’in –kendisi kılmamasına rağmen- sahâbîlere söz konusu namazı tavsiye ettiği görülmüştür. Binaenaleyh istihâre namazının meşruiyeti, şer‘î deliller içerisinde sünnete dayanmaktadır. Meşrûiyeti hususunda herhangi bir hilaf söz konusu olmamasına rağmen istihâre namazına dair rivâyet edilen birtakım nasların senedinin tenkite tabi tutulduğu, ilgili (...)
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    African Mythology, Femininity, and Maternity.Ismahan Soukeyna Diop - 2019 - Springer Verlag.
    This book explores feminine archetypes and mythological figures in African and European traditions with an underlying goal of describing the foundations of social status for women. The author provides a rich corpus of mythology and tales to illustrate aspects of female and mother-daughter relationships. Diop analyzes the symbolic aspects of maternity and femininity, describing the social meaning of the matrix, breasts, and breastfeeding. A retrospective of female characters in African literature brings an interesting approach to explore the figures of (...)
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  28. The Relationship between Religiousness and Corporate Social Responsibility Orientation: Are there Differences Between Business Managers and Students?Nabil A. Ibrahim, Donald P. Howard & John P. Angelidis - 2008 - Journal of Business Ethics 78 (1):165-174.
    The purpose of this paper is to determine whether there is a relationship between a person's degree of religiousness and corporate social responsibility orientation. A total of 411 managers and 506 students from seven universities were surveyed. The statistical analysis showed that religiousness does influence students' orientation toward the economic, ethical, and philanthropic responsibilities of business. It does not, however, have a significant impact upon the managers' attitudes. When the "low religiousness" students and managers were compared, differences were found with (...)
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    Cruel Optimism as an Ecology of Powers.İbrahim Berkan Karataş - forthcoming - Theory, Culture and Society.
    How do the flexibilized scenes of cruel optimism crystallize and resonate with the situational displays of crises as a governmental oversight? Centering around this question, the paper aims to offer a critical fulcrum for problematic attachments toward future-mediated fantasies in the aftermath of the Kahramanmaras earthquakes. It starts with evaluating how the pastoral mode was applied as a cruel diagram of positivity by the Turkish government through the omnipresent prowess of the media, which presents an ‘ordinaryizing’ affect in regularizing the (...)
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  30. Public Policy and Globalization in Hawaii.Ibrahim G. Aoudé, Jim Brewer, Ulla Hasager, Elliot Higa, Marion Kelly, Jon K. Matsuoka, Luciano Minerbi, Li‘ana M. Petranek, Ira Rohter & Robert H. Stauffer - 2013 - Philosophy East and West 63 (2).
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    Du design par la débrouille au Sénégal.Papa Dijbril Diop - 2013 - Multitudes 53 (2):192.
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    Prophetic moral and ethical teachings: a reminder to the Muslim Ummah.Ibrahim Magaji Hahe - 2021 - Zaria, Nigeria: Ahmadu Bello University Press.
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  33. Knowledge in Later Islamic Philosophy: Mulla Sadra on Existence, Intellect, and Intuition.Ibrahim Kalin - 2010 - Oxford University Press.
    This study looks at how the seventeenth-century philosopher Sadr al-Din al-Shirazi, known as Mulla Sadra, attempted to reconcile the three major forms of ...
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    Why Do Animals Eat Other Animals? Mullā Ṣadrā on Theodicy and the Best of All Possible Worlds.Ibrahim Kalin - 2006 - Journal of Islamic Philosophy 2 (1):157-182.
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    Political Settlement Analysis of the Blight of Internally Displaced Persons in the Muslim World: Lessons from Nigeria.Ibrahim O. Salawu & Aluko Opeyemi Idowu - 2018 - Intellectual Discourse 26 (2):595-615.
    The menace of conflicts and natural disasters in different states of the world had spiralled into a global phenomenon of Internally Displaced Persons. These are groups of humans who had helplessly drifted away from their natural and ancestral home due to conflicts and disasters but had not crossed international boundaries into another country. They merely take solace by the protection offered by the spirit and letters of relevant international laws which have domesticated by member states. This paper seeks to answer (...)
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  36. Clinical research law in Jordan: An ethical analysis.Ibrahim Ramahi & Henry Silverman - 2007 - Developing World Bioethics 9 (1):26-33.
    ABSTRACT An ethical analysis of Jordan's Clinical Research Law, which became effective in 2001, was performed. Accordingly, this paper discusses the major components, key strengths and weaknesses of this law. As an initial effort, the Law addresses important aspects of research ethics and, hence, should serve as an example for other Arab Countries in the Middle East. Unique aspects of the Law include the requirement that those conducting any study have insurance that can compensate for research injuries and a system (...)
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    Characteristics and practices of “christian-based” companies.Nabil A. Ibrahim, Leslie W. Rue, Patricia P. McDougall & G. Robert Greene - 1991 - Journal of Business Ethics 10 (2):123 - 132.
    There is a sizeable group of self-described Christian companies which have declared their belief in the successful merging of biblical principles with business activities. As these companies have become more visible, an increasing number of anecdotal newspaper and magazine articles about these companies have appeared. Surprisingly, no rigorous research has been conducted prior to our recent study. This article provides national estimates of the size and predominant characteristics of self-identified Christian companies. In addition, the study investigated the types of relationships (...)
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    A lenda O riso de Demócrito e o pranto de Heráclito.Ibrahim Campos & Walter Lima - 2021 - Filosofia E Educação 12 (3).
    O artigo explora as fontes históricas da lenda O riso de Demócrito e o pranto de Heráclito, com destaque para a antiguidade greco-romana e para a modernidade renascentista. É realizado um estudo genealógico da referida lenda, seguido da análise de três obras: as Cartas do Pseudo-Hipócrates (c. século I d.C.) e os discursos oratórios de Antônio Vieira (Le lacrime d'Eraclito) e de Girolamo Cattaneo (Il riso di Democrito) (1674). Diante da tirania da felicidade que se impõe nas sociedades contemporâneas, o (...)
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  39. Expanding William Hasker's Transcendental Refutation of Determinism.Ibrahim Dagher - 2021 - Prometheus Undergraduate Journal of Philosophy 2 (3):15-21.
    This paper is an evaluation and expansion of William Hasker’s transcendental argument against determinism. Hasker’s argument attempts to show that determinism is logically incompatible with rationality and justified belief. Hasker claims this argument to be conclusive given two independent qualifications: first that the argument only applies to a specific form of determinism, and second that the argument rests on a specific conception of rationality. My aim in this paper will be to modify and expand Hasker’s argument such that it (1) (...)
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    Breaking out of Authoritarianism: 18 Months of Political Transition in Egypt.Ibrahim Awad - 2013 - Constellations 20 (2):275-292.
  41. Absolutist-Dispositional Meta-Ethics and Genuine Moral Disagreement.Ibrahim Dagher - 2022 - Dialogue 64 (3):138-42.
    Often, semantic accounts of ethical statements wherein those statements have their truth-conditions linked in some capacity to the mental state of an agent face the difficulty of explaining how it is that moral agents and communities genuinely disagree. However, there are––I shall argue––such semantic theories of ethical statements we can construct that avoid this explanatory deficit, insofar as they are both absolute and dispositional theories. In this paper, I will (i) explore and analyze one such semantic theory, Roderick Firth (1952)’s (...)
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    Kahinden Filozofa: Herakleitos’un Logos Düşüncesi Merkezinde DK1 Numaralı Fragmanın İncelenmesi.İbrahim Körpe - 2024 - Kilikya Felsefe Dergisi / Cilicia Journal of Philosophy 11 (1):1-20.
    Bu çalışmada Herakleitos’un DK1 numaralı fragmanı ve filozofun felsefesinin temel kavramı olan logos terimi üzerinde inceleme yapılmıştır. Çalışmada ayrıca Herakleitos’un fragmanda kul-landığı sözcükler, kurduğu cümleler ve kullandığı üsluptan hareketle filozof olmasının yanı sıra aynı zamanda bir kâhin ya da peygamber olarak da nitelendirilebileceği iddia edilmiştir. Buna göre bu çalışma şu hususların ele alınmasından oluşmaktadır: DK1 numaralı fragmanın üç başlık altında incelenmesi suretiyle Herakleitos düşüncesinin merkezini oluşturan logos terimini anla-mak amaçlanmıştır. Logos terimini anlama noktasında sözcüğün sözlükteki anlamları üzerinde durularak ilgili fragmanda (...)
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    Russell's Criticisms of the "Common-Sense View of Desire".Ibrahim Najjar - 1987 - Russell: The Journal of Bertrand Russell Studies 7 (2):124.
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    Corporate Social Responsibility: A Comparative Analysis of Perceptions of Practicing Accountants and Accounting Students.Nabil A. Ibrahim, John P. Angelidis & Donald P. Howard - 2006 - Journal of Business Ethics 66 (2-3):157-167.
    The results of a survey of 272 practicing accountants and 374 accounting students enrolled in six universities are analyzed. Differences and similarities between the two groups with regard to their attitudes toward corporate social responsibility are examined. The results indicate that the students exhibit greater concern about the ethical and discretionary components of corporate responsibility and a weaker orientation toward economic performance. No significant differences between the two groups were observed with respect to the legal dimension of corporate social responsibility. (...)
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  45. Ahmed El Khamlichi's views for Islamic juridical renewal.Ibrahim Bouhaouliane - 2025 - In Mohammed Hashas (ed.), Contemporary Moroccan thought: on philosophy, theology, society, and culture. Boston: Brill.
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  46. Philosophie, science, religion.Cheikh Anta Diop - 1985 - Dakar [Senegal]: Institut Fondamental d'Afrique Noire.
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    Racialité et rationalité: de l'altérité de l'Afrique noire en Allemagne au siècle des Lumières.Ibrahima Diop - 2015 - Paris: Hermann.
    Alors que des voyageurs comme Cook et Bougainville avaient déjà fait le tour des océans et des terres, que pouvaient encore dire les Allemands sur le reste du monde? Comment Kant, auteur de l'Impératif catégorique qui n'a jamais quitté sa ville de Königsberg, a-t-il pu servir de référence pour étudier la construction de l'altérité d'un continent qui lui fut, comme du reste pour beaucoup de ses compatriotes, un continent inconnu? En s'appuyant sur l'exemplarité du mouvement circulatoire des idées des Lumières, (...)
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  48. Socrate narrateur et dialecticien (4): le cadre narratif de l'Euthydème de Platon.Sidy Diop - 2004 - Circe de Clásicos y Modernos 9:123-135.
  49. (1 other version)Kah teoria.Ibrahim Rugova - 1978 - Prishtinë: Rilindja.
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    Gerçekçiliğin Dönüşümü: İbn Sîn'cı Felsefede Tümellerin Ontolojisi ve Kutbüddin er-R'zî’nin Zihnî Misaller Teorisi Üzerine.İbrahim Halil Üçer - 2020 - Nazariyat, Journal for the History of Islamic Philosophy and Sciences 6 (2):23-66.
    Zihnî temsillerin onto-epistemolojik statüsü İbn Sînâ sonrası felsefenin en tartışmalı problemleri arasında görülebilir. Problemin kökenleri bir yandan İbn Sînâ’nın farklı varlık düzlemleri arasında yüklemsel birlik elde etme teşebbüsünde, diğer yandan Fahreddin er-Râzî’nin zihnî varlık ve zihnî misallerin tümelliği eleştirisinde bulunur. Fahreddin er-Râzî’nin eleştirileri İbn Sînâ’nın önde gelen takipçilerini, İbn Sînâ’nın mahiyetlerin farklı varlık seviyelerinde korunumu ilkesini ve onun bilgiyi doğanın gayrimaddi temsili olarak tanımlamasını yeniden düşünmeye sevk etmiştir. Fahreddin er-Râzî’nin eleştirilerine karşı Nasîrüddin et-Tûsî mahiyetlerin ontolojik kapsamını daraltmış ve tümel yüklemlemeyi (...)
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